Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's been a Good Day

Today was a really good day.  It was one of those days that you just sit there and smile :)

The sun was shining!  I think just the presence of sunshine makes it a better day.  Physiology was actually pretty good, I understood everything, and we got out 35 minutes early. Win!

At work today our Receptionist was out, so I was down on the phones for six hours.  It actually wasn't that bad.  I did some reading, and I got to study as well, though I didn't do as much as I should have.  But everything went well, and no weirdos came in! That's definitely the sign of a good day.  For lunch I couldn't decide between Old Grist Mill and Great Harvest.  I finally decided on Great Harvest, and I'm so glad I did.  I ran into my friend Brad who works there.  We talked for about 10 minutes while I waited for my sandwich.  He is just such a happy person, you just feel better after talking with him, even if you didn't feel bad before.  I found out both he and his roommate Scott will be here for the summer, so we decided we're going to do tons of fun things.  This summer is going to be so awesome.  I'm going to make a summer to do list to make sure that they all happen :)

After work I came home and kind of studied . . . I may also have played tetris . . . I blame Heidi and Kathy for my new found addiction.

Steph and I made pork chops, rice and asparagus for dinner, and then I drove to the library for a study session with two girls in my Physiology class.  It was good to study, but it made me realize how much I've forgotten and need to relearn before the final.  I ran into Todd in the library, which was also fun.  He's also a very happy person, which is contagious. 

When I got home Steph painted my toenails, and now they look fabulous :) Mark then came over, and we had a really really good talk about tons of things.  We talked for an hour an a half with Steph and Heidi too.  I love having deep conversations with people, it just makes you feel good, and a lot of times you learn a lot from others, because you get to see things from their point of view.

So I've decided that along with this summer being filled with awesomely fun adventures, I'm also going to work on improving myself.  I've found that it's really hard to work on self improvement while you're in school, especially because I work as well.  In the summer I won't have to worry about classes or grades, and can focus more on me, which I'm really excited about.

Yesterday was also a really good day.  Before FHE we got the opportunity to go and fill sand bags for a service project.  We've had a lot of rain and some flooding, and it was really neat to do something that was going to directly benefit the people around us.  We then went and had an 'intents' activity.  There was literally a tent in our living room :)  Mark gave an amazing lesson that started out on Faith, Hope, and Charity, and then kind of moved into how we help others around us, and how they help us.  It was so deep and powerful, and something that I'm sure a lot of people needed to hear.  We then had hot dogs and s'mores, because no tent is complete without them :)

So this is a bit odd . . . I haven't used a picture yet . . .  maybe it's because I haven't uploaded any from my camera that pertain to this post, and I'm a too lazy to do it now.  And because a blog post wouldn't feel complete without pictures, here are a couple - one of me and Steph, and one of me and Mark, the two people most involved in our awesome conversation.


  1. Hey, I'm on a sand-bagging squad in case of floods! Crazy stuff, but you actually go to do something... while I just get to wait for a call at 3 in the morning just in case something happens.

    Um... we need to play soon, yes?

    And you should tell me how you do the cool tab thing on the top! I want tabs, too!!! Please? :)

  2. You're an a squad? That's so cool!!! I agree we need to play, it's been far too long. And then I can show you how to do the tabs! It took me a while to figure it out, but it's actually super easy :)
