Things I love ~
Jumping on the tramp with soap
Stargazing from my roof
Dancing in the rain
Great phone conversations
Chocolate chip pancakes
Laughing until your stomach hurts and you can't breathe
Playing the piano so hard and fast my hands burn
Taking Pictures
Flipping my pillow over so it's cold
A clean room
Good Hair days
When my favorite song comes on the radio
The feeling after you've gone running
The rush you get when you first get up on water skiis
To lie in bed at night and think about random things
To have deep conversations with my friends
For it to be freezing in my house (my dad keeps the thermostat at 63 degrees), and to sit on the heat vent with a blanket wrapped around me.
Airports - I love the anticipation of something new
Wearing sweats and drinking hot chocolate
Crossing things off a to-do list
General Conference
Going into Steph's room at night and talking - even when she tells me to leave because she's tired :)
Christmas Lights
Irish music
Running through sprinklers
Shooting clay pigeons
Randon shopping trips with my friends
Hair flowers, headbands, and ribbons
Laying on cool grass and feeling the warmth of the sun
Getting mail
Running barefoot
Summer nights in Cache Valley
President Monson's Voice
Blasting music in the car and singing at the top of my lungs
When I get freckles from the sun
Chips and Salsa
Packing for vacations
Childhood night games
Listening to a song on repeat
The 7 hour drive to my Grandma's house
The accomplishment of doing something completely by myself
Laughing hysterically with my family at the dinner table