Saturday, December 1, 2012

This has been our Saturday

So far Stacy and I haven't left the house today. I'm pretty sure we've spent the past seven hours in the living room . . . Stacy's been doing homework, I've been attempting to study for the GRE. I also looked at facebook, blogged, and watched a lot of youtube videos. We're awesome.

This is how I feel about the GRE - gag me.

This is Stacy looking at facebook instead of working on her homework. Distraction- happens to the best of us.

Institute Dance

Last night a group of us got together and went to the Girl's Choice Institute dance. We made pizza before the dance and then had phazookies afterwards. Most of the pictures we took were super great, hahaha :)

Kayla and her date Ryan
Elina and Anthony
Cat and Levi
Kendyl and Todd
Steph and Landon
Somehow all the guys ended up in aprons . . .
Sam wanted to distance himself from them . . .they were having a bit too much fun

All the lovely girls 
Somehow we didn't get a normal picture . . . this kinda looks like that pitchfork Gothic painting
Landon showing off his figure
After the dance we attempted to get some pictures . . . this is what happens when the camera wasn't actually on the self timer.

The dance was super fun, especially being in a large group. Sam and I danced like crazies and had so much fun. We decided it's way better to make fun of the songs than to take them seriously. Our dancing to Vanilla Twilight and Something 'Bout Love were definitely my favorites :)

And this is by far my favorite picture of the night.
I'm not allowed to put it on facebook. Kayla how I love you!!!

This Cute Guy

The past two weekends I've been able to hang out with this super cute boy. Don't you just love his cheeks? He's pretty much the cutest thing ever. I'm so glad my best friend has such a cute little boy :) I just wish they lived closer so I could see him every day.