A couple of weeks ago I went to the Parachute concert in Salt Lake with Tim, Steph, and Landon. Tim was actually sick and still drove down to go to the concert with me. He's pretty great :) We ate at the Spaghetti factory and then went to the concert. I've seen Parachute live about five times now, and they never disappoint.
Because Tim wasn't feeling well at all we sat at the back through the two opening bands and then stood for half of Parachute. They played some of their news songs which was a lot of fun. Their new album is fantastic, I highly recommend it to everyone.
One thing I've been terrible at since I've started dating Tim is taking pictures of us, which is super weird for me. I think we have a total of four pictures together. But this one we took at the Parachute concert is pretty much the best picture ever, so why would we need others?
Monday, September 23, 2013
Sunday Drives
Since I moved to Salt Lake for school I've spent every weekend in Logan. Weekends are the only times that Tim and I get to see each other, so we try to take advantage of that as much as we can. His church doesn't start until 1:30 so we spent our morning on a drive through Sardine Canyon. We went to Brigham City and ended up sitting on a bench at the tabernacle that has a fantastic view of the Temple. It was the perfect way to spend a Sunday Morning :) I sure do love that boy.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Long Overdue Update
Not blogging for 5 months means I have an insane amount of catch up to do, so here are the highlights . . .
1) Jordan got home from his mission!
2) Cody left on his mission. Miss him tons!
3) Elina and Anthony got Married!
4) I went to Europe!
5) I started Grad School at the U
6) I met this guy :)
Saturday, April 6, 2013
My ten-year-old sister got a Pintrest account this week. I discovered this when I got an email saying, "Megan would like to share a pin with you". My thoughts went, "Megan has a Pinterest? Megan knows how to set up a Pinterest? Megan knows how to pin things on Pinterest? You can share a pin on Pintrest? I didn't even know that was possible . . ."
The pin she wanted to share with me was this owl bank:
Along with the pin was the message "buy this for me". A bit presumptions, no? She is rather sassy and knows what she wants.
By the end of the day she had 353 pins. Her board titles are: hair, owl, cake, mustash (spelled just like that), art, room, costumes, ideas, cool food ideas, 1D, and Doctor Who. The owl board has the most pins with 113, and Doctor Who was a close second with 92. Her 1D board only had about 65. After following her I had to unfollow her 1D and owl boards. As much as I love her I didn't want all that in my news feed haha.
I'm pretty sure when I was ten things were much simpler - no kids had phones, iPods, Pinterest, or Netflix. We played outside and you were super cool if you had a Walkman and a Lisa Frank pencil holder. Oh how I miss the good old days. The 90s were pretty darn great.
The pin she wanted to share with me was this owl bank:
Along with the pin was the message "buy this for me". A bit presumptions, no? She is rather sassy and knows what she wants.
By the end of the day she had 353 pins. Her board titles are: hair, owl, cake, mustash (spelled just like that), art, room, costumes, ideas, cool food ideas, 1D, and Doctor Who. The owl board has the most pins with 113, and Doctor Who was a close second with 92. Her 1D board only had about 65. After following her I had to unfollow her 1D and owl boards. As much as I love her I didn't want all that in my news feed haha.
I'm pretty sure when I was ten things were much simpler - no kids had phones, iPods, Pinterest, or Netflix. We played outside and you were super cool if you had a Walkman and a Lisa Frank pencil holder. Oh how I miss the good old days. The 90s were pretty darn great.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Dear Boys
Dear Library,
I liked you quite a bit for a little while, but I've come to the conclusion it's a waste of my time. If you asked me out I would probably freak out, but I won't hold my breath.
Dear HC,
I kinda feel like I'm one of your back up friends now, and I'm not a fan. I know you have all sorts of new friends, but remember when you didn't? I kinda miss those days.
Dear Social,
So, I have a feeling that we should go on a date. Is that a good feeling? I hope so because you're basically adorable.
Dear Wardie,
I think you're quite attractive, but I'm not nearly brave enough or flirty enough to walk up and talk to you. I promise I'm not stuck up, just awkward.
Dear PG,
I think you're a really great guy, but there isn't really great 'flow' between us.
Dear 12,
I'm sorry if you think I hate you, I really don't. I just have plenty of guy friends so I'm not going to put extra effort into being friends. I'm done with the friend zone. I do appreciate you not calling me beautiful anymore, that was just confusing to everyone.
Dear BF,
I heard about the whole thing and I just wanted to say I'm terribly sorry. She obviously didn't deserve you. It was great to catch up with you the other day and I wish you the best with everything.
Dear Brother,
I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be engaged by the time you get home in June. Sorry for the disappointment! I guess you'll just have to wait longer for a brother-in-law.
Your oldest Sis
Friday, February 1, 2013
How to have a Pinterest Bedroom on a Budget pt 1
Pintrest - I'm pretty sure I have a love/hate relationship with it, but mostly a love. I love all the ideas I get from it, but I hate that I either don't have the time, money, or talent to get some of the things, money being the biggest issue. This fall when I moved to my new apartment I decided I really wanted something fresh and new, and completely different than my previous college bedrooms. Enter Pintrest. Pintrest was literally the inspiration for almost everything I did in my room. The first thing I decided on was to do a frame wall. I saw this on Pintrest and really wanted to do a more grown up version of it.
As anyone knows, picture frames aren't cheap. The only way I even consider buying one at Hobby Lobby or Michael's is if it's 50% off. After narrowing my color scheme down to teal, yellow, and gray I set off on a hunt for picture frames.
I already had this frame given to me
My first stop was Michael's paint your own frames. I got this for $1. All I had to do was paint it.
This square frame was also $1 at Michael's, and I added a strip of lace to spice it up a little.
I was really excited when I saw this paint your own frame at Michael's. It was more expensive at $3.99, but definitely worth it. I used my Cricket to cut out the letters and it turned out super cute.

I then decided to hunt through my Parent's basement and see what they had as far as frames. I found these two frames just waiting to be used. 

If you don't have any frames hanging around the DI or any thrift store is a great place to find cheap frames. Most of them will be an ugly wood color, but a little craft paint goes a long way. These were both an ugly brown color and look how cute they are now.
My next stop was the DI. You would never know it but this cute gray frame used to be an exciting leopard print. I think I'm quite partial to the gray. Price: $1.50
I also got this little frame at the DI for $2
I loved both of these frames because they were different from the others I already had. These two definitely gave me the most stress when painting. The gray one is plastic and the white is metal, which is much more difficult to paint that wood. It took about five coats, but it eventually turned out. Note to self: always get wood frames.
The last place I got frames was Hobby Lobby. I love Hobby Lobby's stuff, but it does tend to be pricier unless you use a coupon or get it on sale. This adorable white frame was $19.95 but I got it for 50% off. Definitely pricier than the others, but I figured it was worth it because it was so cute.
This is the other frame I got at Hobby Lobby. It was also 50% off, so $7.50 wasn't nearly as bad as the list price of $14.99
On the wall I decided I wanted more than just frames. What else to put up? Well, I wasn't too sure. I ended up wandering around Hobby Lobby about three different times looking for random things to put on the wall. This was the hardest part because I wasn't looking for anything specific. I ended up with this music note that I painted. Price: $1.99
And this M - $2.99. Both were originally natural wood painted with craft paint.
One of my favorite things I got at Hobby Lobby I found during one of my random wandering trips through the aisles. I found this metal bird for $6.50 (at 50% off). I love it because it's different but not too weird, and it was the perfect color.
I knew I also wanted a quote on my wall, and decided to go with 'You are my Sunshine'. I had my mom make and print a small 11x14 poster on an online Publishing company called Heritage Makers. I originally wanted to make a wood one, but since I'm not allowed to put holes in my walls the wood I wanted was a bit too heavy. When I got the poster in the mail I trimmed it and glued it onto a foam board. Total cost: $5.50
Once I had all these things I knew I needed some sort of center piece. After much deliberation I decided on a mirror. I randomly found this one at Walmart for $14.99. It was originally black but after five coats of paint (it's plastic) the teal makes it look much better.
To make sure all my colors went together I picket out four colors of craft paint - a yellow, gray, white, and teal. To add variety to the colors I just added white to make some of them lighter. That way they were all in the same color family and wouldn't clash with each other.
Because I live in an apartment I'm not allowed to put holes in my walls. This makes decorating a bit of a pain. Luckily someone invented command hooks that are Velcro strips. These hold the frames to the wall and pull off without leaving a mark - it's like magic!
After re-arranging the frames 12 different times I finally decided on a layout for the wall. I started with the mirror and worked around it. I'm a bit in love with how it turned out.
Total cost for the frame wall: $65
For those who don't want to spend that much you don't have to splurge on the two frames from Hobby Lobby like I did :)

Because this post is ridiculously long I'll save the rest of the room for the next post.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Awkward and Awesome Thursday
- Having a guy sit right behind me in Yoga. I was suddenly much more aware of my butt . . .
- Slipping and catching myself about five times in the TSC while coming back from Yoga. Rain boots really don't have much traction.
- Realizing that the zipper on my pants is broken while I was at Mitch's apartment. Good thing I had on a long shirt.
- Making random, awkward eye contact with he same person multiple times at church. I swear I wasn't meaning to keep looking at you. . .
- Having to explain to a student for fifteen minutes why they don't get their scholarship back in a refund when they drop a class. There are only so many ways to tell them.
- Having someone at the bridal fair ask me when I'm getting married. When I told them I wasn't they were super awkward about it and told me my time would come eventually. Oh dear . . .
- Having someone at the health fair ask me if I worked here. Thinking he met USU I told him yes. Turns out he meant working at the health fair. He then asked me where to stack the cardboard boxes he had . . . um, somewhere out of the way?
- My grad applications are finished! Now to play the waiting game until the middle of March. No big, I'll just try to plan my life without knowing where I'm going to live.
- I just won a pair or Ray Ban sunglasses at the health fair! I seriously never win anything so this was extremely exciting.
- I am hopefully going to Hawaii in May. Yay for leaving the continental US!
- The incredible amounts of snow we've gotten recently. The only thing that wouldn't made it better was a snow day.
- Ingrid Michaelson Pandora. I've seriously been listening to it nonstop lately. It's so happy and bubbly and just great.
- My best friend Aubree and her husband Cory moved back to Cache Valley so I get so see them and their cute baby all the time!
Isn't he adorable?
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