We've decided to escape to our Island. Our Island used to be a place we'd visit when we were stressed with boys, because of course no boys are allowed. On our Island it's always the perfect temerature, it rains lightly whenever you want it to, and the Pineapple is plentiful. We've now decided our Island is the perfect place to escape from life in general, as well as boys. Afterall, neither of us have awesome boy situations, this will actually be ideal :) Any other awesome girls are welcome to come with us.
I'm currently avoiding studying for Physiology . . . . I'm seriously so bad at studying. I never learned how to study in high school because it was so easy for me. I went to class, took notes, and then looked them over right before the test and always did fine. College was sometimes a rude awakening, especially in classes like Physiology. So now I'm blogging and eating an apple, both very productive things. . . . It's a Pink Lady, which is my most favorite apple ever. Seriously, you will never go back to a Golden Delicious or Fuji . When I took the stem off my apple I got G - apparently my FEC's name is going to start with G . . . Gerald, Grant, Gary, Garth, Garret, what other G names are there? Hmmmm, I obviously haven't met this person yet. I'm sure I've twisted quite a few stems off my apple and gotten many different letters. The question is, which one will it really be? The first? The last? Some random one in the middle?
Wow, I think all the suger I had today is really getting to me. I'm pretty sure I hate 1/2 a bag of hugs (they're so addicting and delicious), and my entire dinner was crap, but it was delicious. Kathy and I had pancakes with peanut butter, syrup, chocolate syrup, and bananas. It was amazingly delicious, but not the most healthy thing ever . . .
So besides working and avoiding studying, I have done something slightly productive, I learned the chords for 'The Only Exception' by Paramore. I don't really listen to them, but I LOVE this song. It's actually super easy to play and sing, which is awesome. My guitar is definitely coming to the Island with me.
Anyway, I really should get to bed, I have class from 8:30 to 5:30 tomorrow . . . gross!
Can I come to the island, too? I happen to love pineapple and rain, and I'd enjoy sitting on the beach while reading about relationships that actually work, dysfunctional as they may be (Twilight, Hourglass Door, etc, etc...). I know what you mean about college and studying. I'm the same way. High school came way too easy for us beautiful geniuses, apparently, because now... well, exactly. Those pancakes look dang good!