Thursday, April 19, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Thursday

  • Having a really good memory for small details. When someone tells me something or I learn something about someone, I usually remember it. A lot of times they don't remember telling me, so I pretend I don't know. Also when you learn something about someone on facebook, so really you shouldn't know about it, but you're just really good at fb stalking . . .
  • Making random eye contact with the guy from the next office over. Realizing I also told said guy the wrong information last week about his loans. Thinking I need to tell him I told him the wrong thing, but he's always just walking through to the bathroom, and it might be slightly unprofessional to yell 'Hey you! I told you the wrong thing!' as he walks by.
  • My face. Really? I've never had acne this bad in my life. Lame, lame, lame. I probably look like I'm 13.
  • Pronouncing Uinta 'U-ni-ta' while talking to someone on the phone. Facepalm. I really have lived in Utah my whole life, promise!
  • When I told a student something he apparently didn't like and he was like, "Are you sure?" all condescending-ish, and I really wanted to say "No, I just like to give everyone as much wrong information as possible." But instead just said, "Yes."
I'm pretty sure this picture is both awkward and awesome. Mainly it's awkward, but awesome because of Paula's hair.

  • The 70+ degree weather we had last week, and will have later this week. I love the sun!
  • Also, the rain this week, because it's making the valley green and gorgeous.
  • Nutella and banana crepes. It will change your life.
  • School is almost out. I'm not in school, but my friends are, and now they'll be more free to have adventures with.
  • Ducks! Tuesday when Paula and I left for work we walked around our house and there were ducks in our yard! I yelled 'Ducks!' One flew up and Paula screamed. It was hilarious :). And, what are the odds that the one day I was running late and eating toast for breakfast was the one day we saw ducks? The ducks quite enjoyed the toast.
  • My new computer. It's soooo much faster, it's not falling apart, and it's pink!
  • Tax returns. Last year I had to pay, but this year I'm getting $900. I'm pretty stoked about this :)

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