Saturday night we had a group of about 23 people over at our house. Everyone brought different ingredients to make pizza, which was delicious! (Thanks Steph!) Before we ate I helped Connor and Jon set up the sound system, and most people were playing dodge ball on the trampoline. After we ate outside we went into the theater and watched 'Hot Rod'. I'd never seen it before, but it was pretty hilarious. After the movie everyone moved out to the patio for an epic dance party. The sky was perfectly clear, which made the stars awesome. The Christmas lights and Tiki torches were also tons of fun. Along with the dance you always have to have awkward dance pictures :)
Elina, Mitch, Steve, Anthony, Jeff, Connor, and Paula
Steve, Anthony, Paula, Jeff, and Krishelle
Jess, Steph, Elina, and Mitch
Gotta do the Asian picture - Elina, Anthony, Krishelle, Mitch, Lauren, Jess, Paula, Steve, Stephanie, Connor and Me
After the dance party we started a campfire and made s'mores :)
Me, Paula, Stacy, Mitch, Megan, and Steph, with Brandon, Dave, Braden, and Katie in the back
Krishelle, Steve, Connor, Me, and Paula

Jeff, Lauren, Krishelle, Steve, Connor, Jess, and Me
When it got to be 1 am we decided we should probably head to bed. Everyone had left except Jeff, Lauren, Krishelle, and Connor (Also Elina, Anthony, and Jess who were staying the whole weekend), when they got the idea that it would be awesome to sleep outside on the tramp. Jess, Elina, Anthony, Jeff, Connor, Lauren, Krishelle and I all slept out on the trampoline. When you're 10 sleeping on the tramp is pretty much the best thing ever. When you're in your 20's however, it's not nearly as comfortable. We basically took up the entire width of the tramp, and then you can't move because you all slide to the middle. We talked and saw tons of shooting stars, but then it was impossible to fall asleep. I actually ended up going inside around 3:45, and I still couldn't fall asleep. I slept off and on until about 7:30, and then I couldn't sleep at all after that. Needless to say about 2 hours of sleep isn't nearly enough!
Lucy decided Connor's pants looked quite comfy :)
Around 8:30 everyone came back inside (even though they'd all been awake pretty much all night), and we had eggs and pancakes for breakfast. We played around on the tramp a little more, and then they headed back to Logan to get ready for Church. I tried to take a nap but couldn't fall asleep, so finally decided to cut my losses.
At church we sat by Jeff and Connor, who were just as tired as we were. It was our goal not to fall asleep, and I believe that we all achieved it :) Paula gave her Farewell talk in our ward, and it was so good! She's going to be such an amazing missionary, and I'm so excited for her! The people of South Carolina are so lucky to get her.
After Sacrament meeting we all went to Adam's Park for treats to celebrate Paula :)
Jeff and Connor like to think they're cool ;)
Elina and Anthony - they're basically adorable :)
Thanks to Stacy for taking this pic :)
We all wanted a picture with Mitch because he looked like an FBI Agent
Giant Group Hug

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