Not last Friday but the Friday before was the IWA dance. Like I said before, my original date got sick so I went with Mark. We had a ton of fun. We went to Fredrico's for dinner, then we played games, and then we went to a dress rehearsal of Bandito Rides Again, the Melodrama from Pickleville Playhouse that played last summer. Mckenna, Aubree, and Cory are all in it, and it's stinkin' hilarious. It was a ton of fun but went longer than we originally planned, so we were only at the dance for about 20 minutes. The 2o minutes we were there were super fun. They played awesome songs, and we went crazy dancing. The last song was 'My Heart Will Go On' and Mark and I had an awesome time making complete idiots of ourselves. We sang loudly at the top of our lungs and danced around like crazies. It was awesome :) We then went back to our apartment and had phizookies, which were delicious. We may have lit our oven on fire . . . shhh!!!
What a good lookin' bunch of people :)
Our oven's on fire!!!!!!!!!!!
Last Sunday we at dinner with the boys which was super fun. We also made super awesome homemade pizza last week, which was so good.

Thursday was Rachelle's 1/2 birthday, so we made her an awesome cake. I asked Mark the most random animal he could think of, and he said Platypus. He was convinced we couldn't make it, so we did it to prove him wrong. Also, platypuses . . . platypi? whatever the plural form of platypus is are just awesome animals. They're good at everything, just like Rachelle :) They also just seem like happy, bubbly creatures. We made Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb.

Last Sunday we at dinner with the boys which was super fun. We also made super awesome homemade pizza last week, which was so good.
Thursday was Rachelle's 1/2 birthday, so we made her an awesome cake. I asked Mark the most random animal he could think of, and he said Platypus. He was convinced we couldn't make it, so we did it to prove him wrong. Also, platypuses . . . platypi? whatever the plural form of platypus is are just awesome animals. They're good at everything, just like Rachelle :) They also just seem like happy, bubbly creatures. We made Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb.
Oh! I almost forgot! So the thing I couldn't write about last week was our awesome prank on Todd. He turned our entire apartment upside down, so we stole all of his plaid shirts. If you know Todd, you know he loves his plaid shirts. He wears one almost every day, so for him to not have his shirts, it was a pretty big deal. We gave a shirt back to him in a cereal box via Preston, we put one in his mail box, we put one on a monkey from the DI, we had some girls return on, we had his roommate wear one, and the best yet, we had one of his Professors return one to him in the middle of class. That was beautiful. He was so embarrassed! We gave the rest of them back to him at ward prayer by all of us wearing them.
We look rather smashing in them, I must say. Plaid, we always look good in plaid ;)
This is my friend Sam. Sam's birthday was during finals week, and needless to say, everyone was super busy. We promised Sam a cake spring semester, and we finally got around to doing it. It turned out smashingly, I must say. He loved it, and almost didn't want to eat it :) His name is Alfonso, and he's your average garden gnome.
I'm currently learning two piano duets, and I'm really excited about them. I haven't actually learned a new song on the piano forever, and it feels so good to actually play again.
Yesterday was the Joseph Smith Memorial fireside. Elder Ballard came, and it was amazing to have an Apostle of the Lord speak to us. Church was really good as well yesterday. Because they just split two wards in my stake, my ward now has church at 8 am. A little bit on the early side, but it's definitely not as bad as the 2:30-5:30 ward.
Oh, random story for the day, I lit an oven mitt on fire yesterday while getting something out of the toaster oven . . . how I managed that, I have no idea.
The weather has been so warm lately! Yesterday it was 50 degrees! That's crazy for February. Rachelle and I delivered Valentines to our favorite people in the ward, and then we got a bunch of people together to play Frisbee on the grassy knoll. It was so nice to play outside. We got five Frisbees going on at once, which was pretty intense at times. Many windows, buildings, and people were hit, but no major injuries occurred. We also got to play the most epic hopscotch ever. It was 40 squares long, and turned into Elf. You got to go through the candy candy forest and crawl through the Lincoln tunnel. You also got to dance for 38 seconds. It was definitely epic :)
For Valentine's Day some boys in the ward made all of the girls Roses out of red and green duct tape. They're really quite cool, and they never die! The perfect kind of flower really. I also got a balloon, candy and homemade cookie from my parents. I always love getting the balloon, it's not the balloon its self, but more of the tradition of it :)
Speaking of Valentine's Day, this is THE CUTEST THING I've ever seen done for Valentine's Day. I got giddy over it, and it doesn't involve me or people I even know!
Tonight for FHE we went to a combined Valentine's dance with the other two wards from Old Farm. It was a lot of fun. The best was dancing with Mark to a song from the Lion King. Needless to say we're not afraid to make fools of ourselves. Apparently the guy Heidi was dancing with actually told her he wanted to stop and watch us. Bahahahaha :)
While at the dance I went to get a drink and started talking to Bishop's wife. She's awesome, and I love her tons. She asked me if I had a boyfriend in the ward. I told her no, but asked if she thought I was dating anyone. She said she thought I was dating the boy I'm currently trying not to like. I was like, uh, nope, we're not dating. And someone else asked Heidi if we were dating. Why do I like the stupid boy? I thought I was doing better . . . fail. Well shoot!
Patience, that's what I need to work on. Every time I get frustrated, I tell myself patience. Sometime in the past week, I can't remember when, I was extremely frustrated with the situation. I opened my scriptures randomly to "Trust in the Lord, with all thine heart, and lean not to thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct they paths." It's one of my favorite scriptures, and definitely one that I needed to hear right then. I'm definitely grateful that Heavenly Father is always aware of me and my feelings, no matter how trivial they may be in the eternal scheme of things.
Well it's midnight and I really should go to bed, so goodnight!
Love, Michelle
My dear, my dear... I sympathize with early church, and you guys have SO many adventures! I can't even comprehend. I live the life of a total loser.