It's time for another Awkward and Awesome Thursday!!! Inspired by Sydney over at TheDaybook
- The guy at swing dancing last night who combined the Deacon Shuffle, the Cha Cha, the Waltz, normal swing, and tons of things I've never seen before all into one awkward dance. It may sound kinda cool, but it was not. Trust me on this.
- My house is constantly cold, so I decided to install clear window insulators. How is this awkward? It involved me standing in front of three open windows at night with the blinds open, blow drying the window. My neighbors probably think I'm crazy.
- The kid that just came to the front counter and stood right next to the other kid I was currently helping. We both looked over at him; he then backs up and apologized. Personal space and classified info dude! Update: This kid has now come up to me and asked dumb questions six times. I fear for his future. He also introduced himself and shook my hand. Strange.
- Trying to understand people on the phone with super thick accents. You can only say 'what' so many times before you start feeling stupid.
- Ice. I was walking home, wearing my super cute black black boots (sadly with no traction) when out of nowhere BAM! Flat on my butt - no chance to save myself.
- Somehow I always manage to sound like an idiot in front of one particular boy. It's a shame I like him. Oh well, maybe he thinks it's funny.
- The 'developments' I keep telling Paula about. I'm pretty sure I need a code name for this. It's not super awkward (yet at least) . . . but it has the potential to be.
- Fuzzy socks. Seriously, these have been the only thing keeping my feel within normal body temperature range. They are amazing. Everyone should own them.
- Picture text messages. They're basically just awesome. I probably send them way more often than I should, but I get a kick out of them :)
- I can now say I've helped build a concrete canoe. No joke. I didn't think it was physically possible for cement to float, but apparently it does. Who knew?
- Hot chocolate. I may be slightly addicted. Not only does it keep your hands warm, it is also a great way to socialize with friends :)
- Free movie tickets. Who wouldn't love this? My super cool roommate Stacy got us all free tickets to a pre-screening of the movie 'New Year's Eve'. It pretty much rocks :)
- Christmas is in 17 days. When did this happen?!?! Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year, and I especially love going to my Grandma's house in Wyoming like we are this year. If only I could figure out what to get my mom and sister for Christmas.
- White Elephant gift exchanges. I think they're one of my favorite Christmas traditions. I gave three Orlando Bloom posters and an Orlando puzzle. So glad a boy got it :)
- My Brother's done with 1/4 of his Mission. Crazy! Sometimes it feels like he just left, and sometimes it feels like he's been gone forever. He's loving it so much, and I'm so grateful for his example.