This week instead of doing a Dear Boys post (even though I do have some things I'd say), I decided to write a Dear Girls post to all of the amazing girls in my life :)
Dear Steph,
You're a pretty amazing sister, you know that? Thanks for everything you do for me, whether it's bringing me something I forgot at home or just listening to me. I love that we can talk about anything and always understand each other. I love how passionate, spunky and loyal you are. You always know what you want and you're not afraid of it :) Thanks for being overall amazing.
Dear Aubree,
I am so in love with your little boy! You are seriously the cutest little mom in the whole world. You are so genuine, caring, and all around adorable. I love the time we get to spend and catch up with each other's lives. I'm so grateful to have you as one of my very best friends. Thanks for making me feel so important :)
Dear Mckenna,
Mckenna! You're married! Sometimes I still forget :) I think you and Dave are one of my favorite married couples ever :) We've been friends our entire lives, and I'm so grateful for that. You always know what to say, and you always make me feel so special and good about myself. You have the ability to make everyone you talk to feel so loved. I am so blessed to have you in my life!
Dear Megan,
You're the coolest ten-year-old I know, seriously. I love how every time I call home you sing me a ridiculous song while you're finding Mom or Steph. You're so funny and witty, and I love that you love Doctor Who. You are going to be absolutely fabulous in the Nutcracker next month, and I'm so excited to see it. Thanks for being such an awesome little sister.
Dear Kaylee,
I can't believe we've been friends for literally half our lives. I love how no matter how long it's been since we've seen each other it's like no time has past at all. You always know exactly how I feel, and I can talk to you about anything. Thanks for always listening to my stories and for introducing me to Doctor Who :) I love that we always 'get' each other and we can be such nerds together. Bloom is definitely my favorite Pintrerst board :) I look forward to the next 12 years and everything after.
Dear Elina,
Can I just say I think you're great? You are so confident, hilarious, caring, and so thoughtful. I love how you laugh at everything and are so chill all the time. I miss sharing a room and our adventures and chats. Thanks for always having such great advice and always listening :)
Dear Stacy,
Hi roomie! It think you're great :) Thanks for always listening to my stories, even if they're a little ridiculous. Thanks for always trying to solve my problems even when I don't always want a solution :) I love how we can always understand how the other's feeling (especially with regards to boys). I love our late night chats where everything turns ridiculously funny, even when it's not.
Dear Rachelle,
So I've decided you should get a teaching job up here in Logan and move in with me and Stacy. Sounds like a plan? Good :) I miss you so much! I miss our late night chats about anything and everything (especially boys), our cooking adventures, and even our toilet issues, hahaha :) I'm so excited for you to come visit this weekend! I love you tons and am so glad you're one of my best friends.
Dear Rachel,
Sometimes I still can't believe you're married! When did we all grow up? I love the random texts you send me about your cows and chickens :) I love how confident you are and how much you truly care about those around you. You're the roommate I lived with the longest and I definitely miss you! Every time I hear someone say 'undo' I think of you, hahaha.
Dear Kathy,
I miss your face! Seriously, I can't wait until March :) I love that you and I could always talk, and you always understood. Although I only lived with you for two years it really felt like we'd been friends for so much longer. I love our weird craziness and random adventures. I miss playing guitar together and eating all Rachel's Oreo's. I know that you're being a fantastic missionary. The people of Argentina are so blessed to have you.
Dear Heidi,
Chancho!!!! Isn't it sad we're both in Logan and hardly see each other? This is what busy schedules do to us. I miss living with you! We had some good times :) I miss the random dancing and funny conversations. I think you and Brett are adorable, and I'm so happy for you. Thanks for being such a genuine friend.
Dear Paula,
You are seriously so great. Your letter last week made my day! I love reading your emails and I know you're changing so many people's lives for good. I miss our random dance parties, adventures, and late night talks. I love how outgoing and friendly you are. You are such a good friend to everyone and I really wish I was more like you.
Dear Mom,
I genuinely think you're one of the greatest mom's in the world. I'm not sure what I did to be so blessed to have you as my Mom. Thanks for not getting annoyed with all my random phone calls about sewing, cooking, or anything else you always know the answer to. Thanks for always putting us first, even if you'd rather be doing something else. I love how you can seriously do and make anything. I admire you so much and I hope to become more like you.