Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Viruses are Lame
I hate Viruses. Whoever invented them is scum. Somehow I got one on my computer that is being a ginormous pain in the butt. My mom, Cody, Anthony and Mitch have all worked on my computer. Mitch actually spent about three hours working on it last Sunday, and we'll hopefully be able to finish fixing it today. I have quite a few pictures I want to upload, but the lack of a computer makes it a bit difficult. Viruses are super lame :(
Friday, July 6, 2012
4th of July Idaho Style
For the 4th of July this year I went up to Idaho Falls with a group of people from my ward. We stayed at my friend Dustin's house, which is on an actual potato farm. I am totally serious :)
We left the afternoon of the 3rd. When we got up to Idaho Falls we sent to explore 17 mile cave.
From the outside the cave basically just looks like a hole in the ground
The inside is super creepy. It opens up into this huge cave and is completely covered in grafiti
Dustin, Parker and Beth apparently found the 'Door to Hell'
Parker got attacked by a grafitti dragon
We decided we'd had enough of the creepy cave once we hit some big pools of water so we turned and got out pretty quick.
Our shadows - literally the middle of nowhere.
Hanging out in the middle of the road because there's no traffic
After the cave adventure we went over to walk the trail that's around the river and falls, as well as by the Temple. Here Parker, Dustin and Kylie took a super awkward picture.
The area was covered in knats, which showed up a lot better in the picture that I imagined. Here is Sam, Dustin, Parker, Lindsay, Beth and Kylie.
Ethan decided to join in the 'family picture awkwardness'
The Idaho Falls
Beth and Lindsay reenacting Titanic
After we saw the falls we went down to the Snake River landing and hung out for a little bit
We then left the landing and half of us went to Ethan's house and the rest of us went to Dustin's house. Stacy, Ashley, and I went to Dustin's house which is in the middle of nowhere.
The next day we got the tour of the whole potato farm. They don't have any animals, which I thought was a little strange. Who knew you could have a farm without animals?
Sam, Ashley, Stacy and me hanging out in the road
Riding in the back of the truck - true country style. Definitely one of my favorite pics of Kylie and Stacy.
Sam was quite excited to get in the tractor
Dustin and Parker on the dirt bike - can anyone say Bromance?
Ashley and all the potatoes. They went on forever!
Potato plants!
This potato came straight out of the ground! I even ate it right then and there :)
Chilling on the watering equipment

Stacy, Ali, and Kylie in a Silo
Dustin, Me, and Stacy on top of the Silo
In front of the Potato Cellar
The creepy walkway in the cellar
After the farm tour we grabbed lunch at The Great Bambino's. It was kind of like a deep fried Carlson hot pocket type thing. It was super good :) After lunch we then drove about an hour north to see Mesa Falls
The beautiful Mesa Falls
A scenic overlook - you can see the backside of the Tetons!
After Mesa Falls we drove to the very edge of Yellowstone Park and saw Cave Falls
There were so many bugs here! Horseflies and mosquitoes galore. I got bit at least eight times!
After we got back from the falls we went to a 'Red Neck Party' as Dustin described it. His family ropes of a huge area in front of some Silos and has a BBQ on three semi trailers. The nice thing is that it's right where you watch the fireworks.
Ashley, Stacy and I on the trailer
Jon and Lindsay on top of an SUV
Excited for the fireworks!
The Idaho Falls Firework Show is one of the biggest in the Nation. It lasted half and hour and was pretty fantastic. Definitely worth the wait and the drive.
After the fireworks show we went back to Dustin's and slept out on the tramp. There were only four of us which was so much better than eight like last time. It felt great outside, and I didn't even get bitten by one mosquito :)
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
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